Monday, February 27, 2012

Channel Intelligence CEO to speak to select group at Rollins

    Rob Wight, co-founder, president and chief executive officer of Celebration-based Channel Intelligence, will be the keynote speaker for a group that works with public and private organizations to help second stage companies accelerate their growth and generate new employment,
    The CEO Nexus event is scheduled for March 14 at Rollins College.
    Wight was the architect of the products and services that made Channel Intelligence a leading e-commerce technology provider that is relied on by retailers such as Best Buy, Target and Kimberly-Clark. Prior to co-founding CI, several leading technology companies had Wight at the helm of innovative software systems development – especially backup/storage software – including Microsoft that he left in 1998 to form Channel Intelligence.  
     CEO Nexus held one of its biggest CEO Nexus forums recently at Rollins College.
     Steve Quello, president of CEO Nexus, said more than 100 Central Florida companies were represented at the event.
     The forum co-hosted by Rollins College Center for Advanced Entrepreneurship, the UCF Business Incubation Program, the Florida High Tech Corridor Council, and local area chambers of commerce were in attendance.
     Altogether this year, CEO Nexus produced some 16 forum events throughout Florida. “Groups and organizations are now working together to help revitalize the Florida economy and create more jobs,” Quello said.
     The March 14 at Rollins College is by invitation only.
     To learn more about CEO Nexus, its forums and how to register, contact Linda Pope or register at  or call 407-590-6101.

About CEO Nexus
CEO Nexus is an organization that works in concert with public and private organizations interested in providing business leaders—owners, CEOs and presidents—with practical tools and techniques designed specifically for growing second-stage companies. Sponsors include the Edward Lowe Foundation, the Florida High Tech Corridor Council, the University of Central Florida Office of Research & Commercialization, Rollins College Center for Advanced Entrepreneurship and GrowFL.

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